Sunday, November 21, 2010

Nakipagwrestling ako sa aso.

I believe I have uttered that sentence quite a number of times last week. Why? Because I went to school on Wednesday with a lot of scratches on my left arm. You might ask what happened really happened. Well, truth be told, I was sratched by our dog, Cheese, who doesn't want to take a bath last Tuesday after having her nails and hair cut. She kept jumping out of the sink while I was rinsing her. Hence the scratches. I was just joking around whenever I tell my sisters and cousins that people might think I'm suicidal, especially the strangers I see when I commute. Oh, by the way, the dog's a Shih Tzu. Hehehehe.

This is my arm few days after being scratched by Cheese

It's been about 3 weeks already of the second semester aaaaaaand it's tiring. Very tiring. But fun as well! I think I enjoy going to school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays (although I tend to get bored when Saturday arrives) and dread the rest of the week. Lots of readings to do, assignments to finish, stuff to memorize, and notebooks to write on. I've been away from my school stuff for about 24hours now. I need to get back on them after I blog.

Dad told me this morning, "Kailangan mo nang magdrive ulit." I know right!! It's been almost a year since I last sat behind the wheel. I want to drive again! I want to drive to school to avoid the hassle (well, I will face the traffic if I drive), and drive to wherever I wanna go-- visit my FEU-NRMF friends for one, and visit whoever.

Till then!

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